All clubs, bars and nightclubs in the greater Belfast area have to be hyper vigilant over the coming weeks in the coming weeks, when thousands of workers and young people will be attending work, school and college Christmas parties. The need for vigilance is always there, but it is particularly acute during the festive season, when young people and especially women and girls are in very crowded areas, and it is difficult to be as alert as they normally would be. Venues need to ensure that they make their premises safe, secure and drug free at all times, perhaps by installing a solid drug policy to effectively control drugs in their premises.
There are so many dangers facing our young girls and women on a night out, from drinks being spiked, to being offered illicit drugs, to attacks, both physical and sexual. I would appeal to young girls and women not to leave drinks unattended, not to split off from friends to make their way home alone, and for groups of friends to look out for each other. Members of the public who may come across young women or girls in a distressed state should not assume that they have drunk too much alcohol, but should check to make sure they are alright, and if not, stay with them until help arrives.
There are a number of Drug Awareness courses available for Licensees, to take the initiative to ensure their premises are as safe as possible. Door supervisors and bar staff can be trained to recognise signs of drug use and drug dealing on their premises and how to tackle the problem. Putting these measures in place can be a most effective way of making licensed premises unattractive to drug users and drug dealers. But young people themselves should try to be aware at all times if someone they don’t know is near their drinks or displaying any type of behaviour that is making them feel uncomfortable, they should alert the bar staff immediately.
We all love and deserve a great night out at our Christmas parties but please play your part in ensuring that it is a safe and happy time.