Workers Party of Ireland statement on the recent developments in Syria 

The Workers Party of Ireland expresses grave concerns at the recent developments in Syria and the Middle East. These developments take place within the context of increasing imperialist aggression in the region and Israel’s genocidal, aggressive and expansionist policies which in addition to its murderous attacks in Palestine and Lebanon now involve massive military intervention in Syria. The dangerous role of Turkey, which despite its rhetoric actively engages in cooperation with the Zionist regime in Israel, further poses a major threat to the sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence of Syria. The EU, NATO, the UK and the US together with the bourgeois media in these countries which have previously designated these groups which have taken control in Syria as “terrorist” now welcome their role. 

The people of Syria who have suffered years of aggression and war now confront an unstable and dangerous road ahead under the jihadist forces mobilised by the USA, Israel, Britain and the AKP government in Turkey as part of the plan hatched by imperialism in the region and the position of the murderous state of Israel has been strengthened with the real prospect of propelling the region into further and bloody sectarian slaughter and war and disaster for the peoples of the area. 

A secure and safe world can never be created by imperialism which has ravaged, divided and d destroyed Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya to the detriment of their peoples and workers who are always the losers. 

The Workers Party of Ireland expresses its solidarity with the people, workers and the communists of Syria. Imperialist war is no solution! Capitalism can never serve the interests of humanity and peace! 

Ted Tynan, President

Gerry Grainger, International Secretary

Central Executive Committee – Workers Party of Ireland