Original article in the Clanrye News
“People are dying on trollies and in corridors, patients are being nursed in the most undignified situations, our dedicated health service staff are stretched to breaking point and they are the ones left feeling helpless at the lack of proper patient care”
Nicola Grant workers party representative has called upon the Northern Ireland Executive to stop the party-political squabbling in relation to the crisis in the Health and social care services. People are dying on trollies and in corridors, patients are being nursed in the most undignified situations, our dedicated health service staff are stretched to breaking point and they are the ones left feeling helpless at the lack of proper patient care.
Nicola continued those politicians that have been calling for reforms to be pushed through, should now stop and take stock of just how much damage previous rushed and failed reforms have caused. The privatisation of Domiciliary care services and residential care and nursing homes, in the previous so-called reforms are a major part of the log jam in our hospitals. Older and more vulnerable patients cannot be discharged because of the lack of care packages and residential and nursing care beds
The latest three-year strategic Health plan contains a number of proposals that will have a detrimental impact on patients and service users particularly in our rural communities because of the relocation and re-designation of services. The aspiration to consult on prescription charges and home care charges will impact all of our citizens. The plans to introduce up to 400 million pounds in efficiency savings will signal the death knell of the National Health Service as we know it. It is now time to call a halt to this madness and get back to the core and founding principles of the NHS stop the privatisation and fragmentation of our healthcare systems.