A version of this story was published in the Mid-Ulster Mail
Workers Party Mid-Ulster Representative, Hugh Scullion, has condemned the racist graffiti that has appeared on walls in Cookstown he said the graffiti will and should send a chill and sense of anger right across the town and the wider area. Seeing a symbol of Nazi hatred is not only frightening for those migrants and refugees who have chosen to make Northern Ireland their home. But must also be galling for those families in the area who lost family members fighting against Hitler.
Hugh continued racially motivated hate crimes should have no place in our society and cannot be excused or justified and must be condemned by everyone including our political and civic leaders. He went on to say that there are extreme right-wing forces who are clearly seeking to incite hatred against migrants and refugees especially if they have a different colour of skin or have a different religion to ours.
He went on to say that there are extreme right-wing forces who are clearly seeking to incite hatred against migrants and refugees especially if they have a different colour of skin or have a different religion to ours.These people and their hateful activities bring nothing but censure upon the decent people who want to live peacefully with their neighbours regardless of their ethnicity or creed.
Hugh concluded migrants are not taking our jobs and houses they are here because they are needed to help run our Health and Social Care services and other private and public sector jobs. Refugees are here because of proxy wars and persecution in their own countries.
We in Northern Ireland know only to well from our past the effects of conflict, that’s why the majority of our citizens support and welcome them into our communities. It is now time to show racism the red card.